How You Can Help


You can help us realize our dream of raising the next generation of Filipino, fully aware of their strengths and their roots.

By making a donation to the Raya School, you can:

  • Send needy yet deserving Filipino kids to take part in the unique Raya School experience.

  • Fund a historical, cultural or scientific field trip for both kids and teachers.

  • Help us train our teachers in first-rate teaching methods.

  • Help us provide our students with only the best books, learning materials, classrooms and sports facilities.

The sponsorship packages are as follows:

Send a Child to School

Cover a full year’s tuition, educational materials and field trips with P40,000.

Exposure Trip

Send a class of 12 students to watch a play, visit a museum, explore a zoo, or discover the history, culture and crafts of a particular city–twice during the schoolyear with P50,000.

Train our Teachers

Send our teachers to training workshops or help them purchase teacher training materials, references and relevant books with P50,000.

Help Build Raya

Any amount or usable material will provide Raya students with the best of:

  • Filipino cultural artifacts

  • Science Materials

  • Books

  • Computers

Parents may also volunteer by being a teacher aide or resource person in any of the classes.